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Lesson 34: Other Progressive Tenses

lesson on other Spanish progressive tenses


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Preterite Progressive

Now that we’ve covered the present progressive, we’ll provide a brief overview of the rest of the progressive tenses. Each one emphasizes that an action is in progress at different points in time. We'll begin with the preterite progressive:

Definition of the Spanish preterite progressive: the preterite progressive indicates an action or event that was in progress during the past but came to a stop or was interrupted and stopped.

To create this tense, we will pair the present participle of a verb with estar in the preterite tense:

estar preterite tense Spanish conjugation table


Estuve escribiendo en mi diario cuando tú entraste.
I was writing in my diary when you came in.


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Imperfect Progressive

Definition of the Spanish imperfect progressive: the imperfect progressive indicates an action or event that was in progress during a period of time in the past and, often, that was interrupted by another action.

To create this tense, we will pair the present participle of a verb with estar in the imperfect tense:

estar imperfect tense Spanish conjugation table


Cuando Paula llegó a la fiesta, Susana y yo estábamos hablando.
When Paula arrived at the party, Susana and I were talking.


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Future Progressive

Definition of the Spanish future progressive: the future progressive indicates an action or event that will be in progress at some time in the future.

To create this tense, we will pair the present participle of a verb with estar in the future tense:

estar future tense Spanish conjugation table


Mañana comienzan nuestras vacaciones; a la mañana estaremos saliendo para la playa.
Our vacation begins tomorrow; in the morning we will be leaving for the beach.


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Conditional Progressive

Definition of the Spanish conditional progressive: the conditional progressive indicates an action or event that would be in progress under some (at the moment unfulfilled) condition.

To create this tense, we will pair the present participle of a verb with estar in the conditional:

estar conditional tense Spanish conjugation table


Ya estaría descansando en la playa si no fuera por la ruta que elegiste.
I would be resting on the beach already if it weren’t for the route you chose.


No Practice?

Why don’t we have practice for these tenses? A core VerbMaster principle is efficiency. You’re already practicing the conjugations of estar, and you’re already practicing the present participle for each verb. You’ve got all the pieces you need. And as an English speaker, combining these already makes intuitive sense. The time you spend in VerbMaster is better spent practicing the less intuitive conjugations and expanding your vocabulary so you can get out there and start making out with attractive foreign strangers.

Practice Time!

The only way to master these verbs is through targeted practice. Fortunately for you, VerbMaster’s intelligent tutoring system makes conjugation practice a breeze!

In this session you’ll practice conjugating estar in the imperfect tense, the future tense, the preterite tense, and the conditional. So what are you waiting for? Get to studying, you’re on your way to becoming a VerbMaster!

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