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Lesson 37: Reflexive Verbs in the Imperative

lesson on reflexive verbs in the Spanish imperative tense


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The Imperative of Reflexive Verbs

You’ve done so much, VerbMasters, and come so far. We’re in the home stretch! Let’s connect some dots. So, what do we do with the reflexive pronoun when we use the imperative with a reflexive verb? Think of telling your friend to shave before work or to bathe after going to the gym.


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Affirmative Imperative of Reflexive Verbs

In the affirmative imperative the reflexive pronoun must be attached to the end of the conjugated verb. Let’s see what that looks like with each form.

  1. Detach the reflexive pronoun from the end of the verb. We'll use bañarse as our example again:
how to conjugate reflexives in the affirmative imperative
  1. Conjugate the verb in the affirmative form of the imperative:
Table for step one in creating Spanish Affirmative Imperative for reflexive verbs
  1. Make the pronoun agree with the subject of the verb:
Table for step two in creating Spanish Affirmative Imperative for reflexive verbs
  1. Re-attach the pronoun to the verb and, after doing so, add a written accent over the 3rd to last syllable in the tú, usted/ustedes, and nosotros forms. Remove the ‑S from the nosotros ending and the ‑D from the vosotros ending.
Table of bañarse in the Spanish affirmative imperative


Báñate porque estás cubierto de tierra.
Take a bath because you are covered in dirt.
Talking to your barber about your bad haircut iconEating taquitos at midnight iconLiving with the bunnies icon
Chicos, levántense porque es la hora de almuerzo.
Kids, get up because it’s lunch time.
Sentados allí–esos son los mejores asientos para ver el concierto.
[You all] sit there–those are the best seats to see the concert.
Aburrámonos hoy–hemos tenido demasiado que hacer esta semana.
Let’s get bored today–we’ve had too much to do this week.


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Negative Imperative of Reflexive Verbs

In the negative imperative the reflexive pronoun must go before the conjugated verb. Let’s see what that looks like with each form.

  1. Detach the reflexive pronoun from the end of the verb and add no to the beginning:
how to conjugate reflexives in the negative imperative
  1. Conjugate the verb in the negative form of the imperative:
Table for step one in creating Spanish Negative Imperative for reflexive verbs
  1. Make the reflexive pronoun agree with the subject of the verb and move it between no and the conjugated verb.
Table for step three in creating Spanish Negative Imperative for reflexive verbs


No nos aburramos–es muy importante mantener nuestro enfoque en esta clase tan difícil.
Let’s not get bored–it’s very important to stay focused in this difficult class.
Talking to your barber about your bad haircut iconLiving with the bunnies icon
No se levanten durante la película.
Don’t stand up during the movie.
No os sentéis allí–esos asientos son nuestros.
Don’t sit there–those are our seats.
No nos aburramos–es muy importante mantener nuestro enfoque en esta clase tan difícil.
Let’s not get bored–it’s very important to stay focused in this difficult class.

That’s all there is! Now get out there and practice, VerbMasters!

Practice Time!

The only way to master these verbs is through targeted practice. Fortunately for you, VerbMaster’s intelligent tutoring system makes conjugation practice a breeze!

In this session you’ll practice conjugating bañarse, comerse, and aburrirse in the affirmative imperative and negative imperative.
So what are you waiting for? Get to studying, you’re on your way to becoming a VerbMaster!

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